Merchant Bank Card Services
Check Fraud Alert
Online Security / Cyber Security
Malware / Antivirus

Malware is a program designed to take control and/or steal information from your computer or mobile device without your consent. 

Best Ways to Avoid:

  • Install Antivirus Software and keep up-to-date.
  • Maintain Current Updates of Programs and Operating Systems.
  • Only download from trusted sources (Apple Store, Google Play, and Microsoft Website).
  • Use caution when opening emails, clicking on links, and clicking on popup ads.

    Compromised Cards
    Skimming / Data Compromise

    Skimming is a method by which thieves capture the data from your debit or credit card's magnetic strip and use it to process unauthorized transactions against your account. These devices tend to be small and are placed on ATMs or credit card process machines (in front of the card insertion slot). More over, there is a device which is carried by an employee in a merchant’s store locations and when the employee goes to process your card, they swipe it through the device taking your card's information.

    Best Ways to Avoid:
    • Install Antivirus Software and keep up-to-date.
    • Don't write your PIN number on your card. Memorize it.
    • Don't use information that may be easily obtained by identity thieves as your PIN, such as last four digits of your Social Security Number, birth date, or address.
    • Only carry ATM, debit or credit cards that are necessary
    • Make a list of ATM, debit, credit cards and bank account numbers, as well as customer service numbers for each. Keep this list in a safe and secure place so you can easily notify necessary companies if your cards are lost or stolen.
    • Companies like MasterCard® or VISA® will never contact you directly to verify personal or card information, your PIN or request that you process transactions to protect your account.
    • Never give your debit or credit card numbers over the phone or Internet unless you have a trusted relationship with the person or company.
    • Keep your receipts for card purchases and withdrawals. Don't throw them in a public trash container.
    • Thoroughly review credit card or bank statements upon receipt. Notify the credit card company or bank immediately if there is suspicious activity.
    • When vacationing, notify the bank regarding your plans. Most banks monitor suspicious activity, including geographic shifts in cardholder use. By informing the bank you can prevent unnecessary inconvenience while traveling.
    • Be aware if merchants take your card out of sight for an extended period of time. Most merchants process transactions within your view. If you become suspicious, contact your financial Institution to warn of possible fraud on your card/account.
    • Look at ATM, gas pump, or self-service kiosks. If you see an attached device that looks suspicious, don't use it. Notify the institution that owns the machine as soon as possible.

    Consumer Mobile Banking